Our 5 Best Pieces of Advice for You

Some specialty medical practices see you as a “knee,” an “ankle,” a “hip replacement,” or “that person with too many aches and pains.” At Impact, we see you as a whole person. We see you from head to toe and do our best to advise you on long-term lifestyle choices to keep you, your joints and soft tissues as healthy as possible.

Here are our current 5 best pieces of advice for you:

1) Use food to your advantage, not as a detriment: many think only of food as calories, but instead, let food be nutrition…something that can nourish your body. Choose wisely with lean meats, some plant-based protein sources, numerous fruits and vegetables and healthy fats. Really limit fried foods, fast foods, processed foods, foods high in sugars and artificial sweeteners. Don’t forget about healthy beverage choices: more water than anything, adding green tea or black coffee but keep soda and alcohol very much in moderation. Why is this important? Proper nutrition allows for healing and recovery. Poor food and beverage choices lead to more inflammation and pain.

2) Being at a healthy weight is very important for your joints and soft tissues: every 1 pound someone is overweight equals 4 pounds of extra force going through his/her lower body joints. On the positive side, you lose 10 pounds, you have 40 fewer pounds of force on your knees and other joints. Osteoarthritis of the hips and knees, plantar fasciitis and insertional Achilles tendonitis are the most common conditions we see in overweight individuals.

3) Make cost-effective medical decisions: did you know that seeing a physician employed by a hospital or one associated with a larger group practice is more expensive than seeing a physician in a smaller private practice? Why is this? It is because insurance companies and these larger organizations have negotiated higher reimbursement rates. Is this based on a higher quality care? Absolutely not! It’s just the behind-the-scenes business of medical economics, and not many patients are aware of this. An office visit at “Hospital/Large Practice X” may cost you $300. A similar and possibly even more comprehensive visit at our practice may cost you $200.

4) Stay moving, as “motion is lotion”: whether your knee or low back hurts, or you are just stiff quite often, staying mobile will help your musculoskeletal system. Don’t sit for too long. Don’t keep your hips, knees or spine in one position for too long. Set a goal for a certain number of steps each day, even if you are not classifying this as formal exercise. Walk while you talk on the phone. Choose an adjustable or standing desk if possible.

5) Find your sweet spot when it comes to exercise and activity: perhaps 2 miles of walking is too much for your arthritic knee, but 1.5 miles feels good, both during and after the walk. 25 minutes of the bike is great, 30 minutes creates pain. 2 sets of bench press with 30 pound dumbbells feels right, but 3 sets with 40 pounds causes shoulder pain. “Sweet spot” exercise is essential, especially for us middle-agers and older.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Three Roadblocks to Your Health: Time, Fear and Money

we’re all so busy, at least we think we are. Let’s be real, going to see the doctor does take time. Driving, parking, filling out forms, waiting, talking, testing and deciding. The average visit from start to finish. meaning door-to-door is in the range of 2 to 3 hours. Yet, that 2 to 3 hours could be the difference in you getting a diagnosis, relieving anxiety, feeling better, promoting better function and doing something that can help your body long-term. Are you willing to binge watch a show for 2 to 3 hours? Are you willing to go to dinner for 2 to 3 hours? Are you willing to surf social media and watch videos for 2 to 3 hours? Are you willing to go to the mall for 2 to 3 hours? Are you willing to go to the gym for 2 to 3 hours? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then you definitely have time for a doctor’s visit.

Fear: so many patients skip that doctor’s visit because of fear of a frightening diagnosis, a recommendation that surgery is necessary or because of potential expenses that come with that visit and subsequent treatment. Here’s the good news: often that fear fades away once you get into the doctor’s office and actually are able to learn why you have certain symptoms and then are able to develop a plan of action. I’ve seen it for decades, as many patients, even when given news that they did not want to hear, find a sense of relief. Frequently though, we are able to provide good news and reassurance, calming the patient’s fears. In a nutshell, fear of the unknown is often much greater than the fear of the known. More good news here… 95% of patients that present to our office do not require surgery!

Money: sometimes the most expensive course of medical treatment is the one that was developed late in the game. Meaning, if a patient would have sought treatment earlier, a much less expensive plan of action could have been developed. There is no greater investment than the one in your health. We are all willing to spend money on trips, hobbies, clothes, restaurants, cars, etc. While all these can have value, they don’t hold a candle when compared to your health. So, make sure that you are budgeting enough money to pay for your necessary healthcare. Finally, when making financial decisions about your health, attempt to think long-term, not just short-term.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.